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[E系列] 国外网友对EL71的印象

发表于 2006-7-16 15:24:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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I think I'll post a better review tmorrow, I've been playing today and have to say I'm very impressed.
First impressions are great, small, stylish and metal, feels very solid. The only gripe I have is the keypad is a sheet of soft plastic, it would have been better if it was more solid feeling, it doesn't match the quality of the rest of the phone.
Fitting it together is easy enough, sim slot next to the battery, with the TransFlash slot next to that. The battery is tiny though, and I mean tiny. It's about a 1/3rd of the size of the one in the K750i, doesn't look promising for battery life, but we'll have to see. One intersting part of the design is that the battery has a little tab that locks the sim in place.
Battery cover is metal too.
When powered on you get to see the quality of the screen, it's probably the best in it's class, and especially price range. Very vibrant, with deep blacks and great contrast. It seems similar to the W810i, as it looks great when powered, but as soon as the backlight is off you can't see a thing.
The camera and video seem average, nothing special, other than the sped of taking a picture. There is very very little shutter lag, you can tell when you use the LED flash, which also features a Red-Eye reduction mode.
The Music player is good, the first time you launch it it scans the device for media and sorts itself out, it does the same for videos and pictures too.
The loudspeaker sounds good, it has alot of bass but some distortion, i's say similar to the W900i, maybe not quite as clean sounding, but bassy.
The Video player has a fullscreen mode with no overlays, which is nice.
I haven't tried the gaming yet, I'll send some to it, and try jBenchmark on it.
Plenty of options, themes, custom tones everywhere, even a range of vibration alerts, like Train Track, Helicopter, and one i think was called Suprise that is low power till a burst at the end, makes you jump
Bluetooth seems to work fine, though te default name is te BT address code. There is an indicator light aboce the screen , I like indicator lights

As I said, I'll post more of a review tomorrow, with some pictures as i forgot to take any.

You get the phone, battery, charger and headset in the box, all for £99.95. brilliant value!
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